About PepperHub

Pepper nnoun
Pepper m

Gives a spicy, colourful and enriching effect.

At PepperHub, our vision is to transcend the traditional concept of the business centre.

We aspire to be the catalyst that spices up the lives of businesses, simplifying their operations and offering enriching learning and networking opportunities through our events and community.

PepperHub is an agile and inspiring ecosystem where every business can flourish with the support, partnerships and resources it needs to thrive.

à propos de PepperHub

à propos de PepperHub

Hub noun (plural, hubs)
Hub m

A connecting platform, a pole, the central point of a network.

As illustrated by the hanging light that illuminates the central staircase of our elliptical building at the PepperHub, we want every business to be able to shine the spotlight on, benefit from and contribute to an environment that is conducive to innovation and growth.

By connecting companies between Geneva and Lausanne, we are weaving a dynamic network of exchanges and collaborations that will stimulate the success of everyone involved.

We firmly believe that when businesses come together in one place, extraordinary opportunities emerge. It's this vision that guides everything we do.

From local to international

A hub of companies that grow locally and thrive internationally.

We cultivate an environment conducive to growth and expansion, providing our members with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. Our vision is of a dynamic hub where local businesses meet, inspire and thrive to make an impact nationally and internationally.

Meet our thriving tenant companies!

Environmentally responsible

As an eco-responsible company, PepperHub is committed to reducing its ecological footprint.

Our building is designed to the highest environmental standards, with a policy of reducing waste. Located in the heart of the region, our location favours soft and multi-modal mobility, encouraging the use of public transport, cycling and walking for a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

And to satisfy your taste buds while supporting the local economy, our PepperHub Café offers a selection of local and homemade delicacies.

Easy access 

Ideal Location

  • Nearby the SBB station Gland 
  • On a main stop of the Léman Express network 
  • Motorway exit at 2 minutes
  • 20 minutes from Geneva centre and Airport 
  • 20 minutes from Lausanne
How to get here Google map

On foot, by bike, by bus or by train, all roads lead to Pepperhub!

Whether you choose to travel by train, bus, bike or even on foot, our strategic location at Gland SBB station gives you the flexibility you need to make the most of your time while minimising your carbon footprint.

You'll enjoy the peace and quiet of working close to home, while knowing that you're only 20 minutes from the major economic centres of Geneva and Lausanne, enabling you to reach your clients or partners in no time at all!